The English Learning Center at Gandhi Mahavidyalaya provides opportunities for students
to begin or continue the study of English and to receive additional language practice
which is not included in the literature-based curriculum.
In January and Februrary of 2010, Susan Wallace and MaryLynne Evans organized and
taught a five-week workshop for teaching English to current students at the college.
The workshop was an enormous success and led to the establishment of the English
Learning Center in 2012. The learning center provides support for English language
development throughout the academic year, and it is not dependent on English-speaking
visitors. The learning center is housed in a spacious classroom in Chandran Memorial
Hall, with an assortment of desktop and laptop computers that are connected to the
internet (up to five at one time) and are loaded with pilot language learning software.
The learning center's program is a combination of direct instruction and independent
practice on the computers.

Susan Wallace with laptop and village children

English class with Susan Wallace

MaryLynne Evans and Gandhi Mahavidyalaya students

Students with certificates of completion for the 2010 English Workshop |

MaryLynne Evans with Gandhi Mahavidyalaya faculty and students (February 2010) |